This isn't a normal blog...

Life gets kinda chaotic around here... so don't expect regular posts. This blog is a gradual collection of hints, tips, and anecdotes about how we live life with one son who has autism, one daughter who is "typical", one son who is profoundly disabled and medically fragile, and one daughter with borderline delays and unclear medical complications. When life gets crazy, I won't post...but when things slow down (or I'm sitting in the hospital for a few days twiddling my thumbs) I'll add more posts about things we do to live a fun and joyful the best of our abilities.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

post ideas

Okay, I honestly don't know if anyone will actually read this blog, but just in case someone does, here is a list of my ideas for future posts.
 Some have spoiler notes, and others won't make sense to anyone but me, but if you see a topic that you would like me to post about, leave a comment.  I'll try to get to it as soon as I can!

meds storage
skit (you're in trouble)
draw what you can't say
visual schedule (ID house)
portable visual schedule
portable token system (reverence chart)
moving (IEP early)
is "age appropriate" wise?
communicating with doctors' offices
my favorite quote
going to church
grocery shopping
babysitter for MY kids (oi, vey!)
"Dating" with a tag-along
Storytime at the Boise Library
Killing time away from home
Ready Set Go Developmental Therapy Preschool
Sensory Intervention (plug the book)
Cranial-Sacral Therapy
3 kids in diapers
"Do you want to meet Nate?"
Here's Our Card (sensory, etc.)
Automatic Toilets
Long Hospital Stays
Tips for Friends and Family
g-tubes and clothing
oxygen tubing and getting dressed
oximeter monitor and clothing
the elephant in the room (yoda)
public events (don't spend lots of money- you'll just get mad when you have to leave early)
handicapped parking spaces
rare chromosome resources
proloquo2go/tap to talk
sleep sacks
Nate's bed
My own health (mastectomy prep and recover)
wrap your baby
strollers we've used
our wheelchair
Golden Ticket
Perks (no meter fee, state/national park fee, Disneyland)
Too big for a diaper changing table
entertaining siblings at the doctor's office

1 comment:

  1. I read every single one of these and thought "ohh, that would be a good one . . . oh that would be a great one too!" Communicating with doctor's offices. I have heard multiple friends complain about communication with drs especially when they have to use multiple ones. I thought of how well you kept Nate's binder and asked every doctor's office for notes to be sent to you. I would love to hear your suggestions. Also tips for family and friends (hopefully I fall under both :) and . . . well actually every one, they sound great. When you have time of course. :)
